NCL Tools and Resources
The National Cyber League (NCL) is a bi-annual, virtual, puzzle-based, capture-the-flag style cybersecurity competition for high school and undergraduate students.
Information on upcoming NCL Competitions can be found here.
Click on the links below to view my lists of tools for each category!
- Open Source Intelligence
- Cryptography
- Steganography
- Password Cracking
- Log Analysis
- Network Traffic Analysis
- Forensics
- Wireless Access Exploitation
- Scanning and Reconnaissance
- Web Application Exploitation
- Enumeration and Exploitation
- Misc. and Unsorted Tools
How to use this site?
Each NCL category has its own page which contains a list of tools and resources for challenges within that category. However, there’s LOTS of overlap between categories, so many tools will be useful for more than one category. If you’re struggling to find a tool that’s working for you in one category, try looking for tools in a related category.
For example, if you’re struggling on a Forensics challenge, there may be useful tools or resources in the Cryptography page.
This website is a work (always) in progress and will be updated regularly!
From the NCL About Page: “NCL offers a fun way to learn and apply your skills in a safe environment - but it’s so much more than that, because with their NCL Scouting Reports you can present credible proof to employers of your hands-on expertise.” An article from the Applied Cybersecurity Division at NIST describes the National Cyber League NICE Framework Success Story.