
Tools for National Cyber League Competition

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Appendix: Environment

Kali Linux

Windows Subsystem for Linux

For information about using Kali via. WSL for the NCL competition, check out this article from CryptoKait. If you want to install WSL, instructions can be found here. The Kali Linux installation on WSL is a minimum install setup. That means you’ll probably want to install Kali Linux Metapackages.

Python Virtual Environments

Python documentation on how to create a virtual environment with venv can be found here. Information on installing packages with pip in a virtual environment can be found here.

Background Commands and Persistent Sessions

To run a command in the background, add ampersand to the end of the command:

command &

To suppress the stdout and stderr messages, use:

command > /dev/null 2>&1 &

To display the status of all stoped and background jobs in the current shell session:

jobs -l

To bring a background process to the foreground, use the fg command (or fg %1 if you have multiple background jobs.

To terminate the background process, use the kill command followed by the process ID (which can be obtained through the jobs -l command, above. In this example it’s 12928):

kill -9 12928

Generally, if connection drops or you exit the shell session, the background process terminates. To keep the process running, use the disown command or start the process with the nohup command.

Alternatively, use Tmux (“terminal multiplexer”) to switch between multiple programs in one terminal. Tmux sessions are persistent; programs will continue to run even if you exit the shell or are disconnected.